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Gyllene Tider - Flickorna På TV2 / Himmel No. 7 Title
Side A
A)Flickorna på TV2 3:50
Side B
B)Himmel No. 7 4:34
Type single
Date of release 12/17/1979

This release has been viewed 24273 times.
Flickorna På TV2 was originally the B-side on Gyllene Tider's single Himmel No. 7 and it is one of the most popular songs recorded by the group.

Because of the mistake the first edition of this single had misprinted labels and Flickorna på TV2 ended up as the B-side. This was later changed so that the single was double A-sided on the second edition.

Since Swedish radio had already started to play Flickorna på TV2 it was decided that this song should be the lead track and it was therefore labelled as A1 and Himmel No. 7 labelled as A2.

The only was to spot the difference between the original release and the re-release is that Flickorna På TV2 has A1 and A2 printed on the labels whereas Himmel No. 7 has A and B printed.

Flickorna På TV2 / Himmel No. 7 (single)
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Picture Country  Format  Label / number   Year  Price guide  
Gyllene Tider - Flickorna På TV2 / Himmel No. 7
7'' with a ribbed ring around the label
Sweden 7'' Parlophone / 7C 006-35708 1979
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Gyllene Tider - Flickorna På TV2 / Himmel No. 7
7'' with a plain ring around the label
Sweden 7'' Parlophone / 7C 006-35708 1979
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