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Description: Neverending Love was the first ever release by Roxette as a duo and it was later included on their debut album Pearls Of Passion. Orginally this single was only meant to be released outside of Sweden but EMI eventually changed their mind and released it in Sweden too.
The song immediately became a huge hit and therefore EMI decided to release a commercial 12''. Since EMI had numerous copies of the promotion 12'' left in stock they decided not to make any new records but to simply order some picture sleeves and release it with the same catalogue number as the promotion 12''.
The first issue of the Swedish release of both the 7'' and the 12'' had missprinted lyrics on the back of the picture sleeve. In the first section of the text, on the second line from the bottom, the text should read "You're 1 in a 1 000 000" but on the missprinted issue it says "You're in a 1 000 000".
In the fall of 1986 EMI released a new remixed version of Neverending Love in Sweden and this "Euro-Mix" version of the song was only released on a 12'' which was made in 1.000 copies.
The remix version of Neverending Love which is included on Dance Passion - The Remix Album is actually the same version of the song as the "Euro-Mix" and the "Extended Club Mix" versions. The "Love-Mix" version of the song is only available on this single.
In Germany both the 7'' and the 12'' were released twice with the same catalogue number but with different mixes (remixes by Frank Mono). The second issue (including remixes of the song) has a unique graphic sleeve and these versions of the songs were not available anywhere else untill the 7'' remix was included on the release of Pearls Of Passion - The First Album in 1997. |
Neverending Love (single) |